Monday, October 4, 2010

First Field Trip

Joy School headed out last week for our first field trip of the year. We went down to the river bottom to the nature preserve area. We had spent the month learning about nature, and now we got a chance to go out and explore it!

Before we left, I made each student a picture list of things to look for. First I made a blank grid on a Microsoft Word page, then remembering the things we had learned about, (and keeping in mind what we would actually be able to find) I looked up the images on Google. A little copy and paste later, this is what each child had to work with:

Their task was to find an autumn leaf, a spider, a green leaf, a grasshopper, fallen logs, rocks, birds, a spider web, crawling ants, a gopher hole, animal tracks, and a bird's nest. I gave them each a washable marker to use on their papers when we found something on the list, and a magnifying glass to take a closer look at the things we found.

My boy loved his magnifying glass and was checking e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g out!

The three happy Joy Schoolers marching in a line, just like ants.

Running to find more interesting things.

Pausing to examine a gopher hole.

It was a very simple field trip and we had great weather, which was lucky at the very end of September. Again, when my older children, who have 'graduated' from Joy School, came home for lunch and found out what our morning was, I heard a lot of, "Can you do it again when we can come on the nature walk?" See, good memories stick!

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