Sunday, March 13, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Book Suggestions

Have I ever mentioned that I love children's literature? Probably not, right?

I always like to find books for the occasion, and the next occasion around her is St. Patty's Day. Here are the books that we are reading this week.

I bought this book the year that my oldest had his first St. Pat's. It is the story of a kind old man, who is an excellent harpist. When a harping contest is announced, it is a chance for him to play for the king, and he sets out to attend. But after extending his kindness to a sinister competitor, his harp is sabotaged and the strings break. During the night, he hears the sound of someone in distress and goes to help. It turns out that the person in need is a leprechaun, and to reward him for his efforts, the leprechaun leaves him a surprising gift, and sees that the saboteur gets a reward as well.

I honestly don't remember how we came by this book. I know I didn't buy it, so I'm guessing it was a gift from a grandparent or from one of the kids' teachers. It is cute, none-the-less. It is the story of Tom, who catches a leprechaun. The little man is then duty bound to show him where the gold is hidden, but while Tom goes to get his shovel to dig it up, the leprechaun performs a little trickery to ensure his gold's safe keeping.

This one is from the local library and we checked it out while we were there for story time a couple of days ago. This story tells just why the gold is at the end of the rainbow. I thought the writing was particularly entertaining. Here is the opening paragraph, just to give you an example.
"Finn O'Finnegan looked like a rogue and walked like a rascal, so it was widely thought that he was at least one or the other. And his shadow, which followed him closely and knew all of his secrets, might have said he was both."
Isn't that adorable? I find it utterly charming.
What are you reading to your children for St. Patrick's Day?

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