Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Surprises

You know I like leaving surprises for my family, and today I was seized with a whim. My husband loves green mint Aero chocolate bars, which are perfect for St. Patty's, yes? So I took the kids to Safeway, under the guise of needing to buy a package of green Koolaid to go with our supper tonight. While they weren't looking, I smuggled a few of those yummy treats through the checkout. Step one: successful!

I have seen cute little wrappers to go over chocolate bars before, and they seemed to be around for any occasion, so I looked around online for something to dress up the Aeros. I was able to find lots of cute wrappers for St. Pat's, but not only did I have to order them and have them shipped, (Here is where a little advanced planning would have come in handy. Oops.) but also, I didn't really feel like spending more on the wrappers than on the candy itself.

Then, to my joy, I found this site and it had cute, free, immediately printable chocolate bar wrappers. Hooray! Step two: Successful!

After using all my stealth to wrap the candy, I went around the house and left one on the pillow of all my loves for them to discover. Step three: Successful!

A few hours later --- I couldn't believe they hadn't discovered them earlier!--- I was getting hugs and kisses from all my little people who were happy to find this little treasure. And just now,9:55pm, (yup it took him all evening to notice) my hubby found his. And I got a kiss from him too. Step four: Successful!

Ahhh, I love days like this.

PS: I know St. Patrick's Day is over, but I still have one more post I want to do for tomorrow. Just read it and keep it in the back of your mind for next year.

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