Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Welcome to Making Merry Memories!

I began this blog because I love spending joyful moments with my children, and I wanted to document our lives and hold onto these memories a little longer. I also know that as a mother, I appreciate finding ways that other moms are enriching the lives of their little ones, and discovering new ways to interact and celebrate with my own, and that other women might want to have a place to go for ideas too.

And the blog was born.

I love spending time with my children. It is easily the happiest part of my day, and making the conscious effort to have time with them be a priority has been one of my very best parenting decisions.

I hope that they will remember the fun things we've done together. But even if they don't, even if years from now they've forgotten the games, the lessons, the parties, and the stories, and all they remember is that their mother loved them and thought they were someone special, it will be good enough for me.

I love sharing the ideas I've tried. I hope you enjoy looking through the blog and find something that you and your child can do together to build memories of your own.