Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Letter Of The Week - R

(This is very frustrating! I've finished this post twice and it keeps being deleted before I can publish!)

Letter R was a delight - it was sooooo easy to think of things to do. Especially after the Letter Q!

Day One: We had fun crafting our letter R.

This time we decorated with Rice. (I also cooked rice for supper.
Our Alphabet book this week was R is for Rhyme: A Poetry Alphabet. It was a very clever book, but much of it was too advanced for my four year old to understand and we had to stop and do lots of explaining. Not that that is a bad thing, but it took a long time to get through.

Day Two: R is for Rain

This wasn't the planned day. I had something else ready to go. But when it was raining and warm, we dropped those to cease the day.

*We started by singing lots of rainy songs. This one is "Colours of the Rainbow." Others were "Robin in the Rain," "Rain,rain, go Away," "Its Raining, its Pouring,"

And our last one was "It Rained a Mist." This cube has different destinations on each side - ie the beach, the farm, etc - and then you incorporate that place into the song.
*We read The Cat in the Hat, On Noah’s ark, Clifford and the Big Storm

*We went out and played in the rain

Day Three: R is for Rhyme

*We read a rhyming book and found the matching pairs of words

*We pulled out our rhyming cards again

Day Four: R is for Rabbit

*We made a rabbit from coffee filters, cotton balls, markers and glue

*We wore rabbit ears and ate carrots

*We sang Little Rabbit Foo-Foo and See the Sleeping Bunnies

*We had hopping races

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