Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sun Catchers

We had fun putting together some quick sun catchers this week. All you need for supplies is a sheet of construction paper, some colored tissue paper, a bit of transparent contact paper and a pair of scissors.

First cut up the tissue into small squares, and then get ready to make your frame.

Take your construction paper and fold it in half, and (starting on the folded side) cut out the center.

Ta-da! A frame.

Peel off the paper backing of the contact paper, and place your paper frame on the sticky side.

Add tissue papers to the center. You could do a pattern, make it look like an object or an animal, or you could do abstract art, like we did.

Peel off the backing to another piece of contact paper, and smooth it out over top off the tissue.
Trim the access contact paper from around the frame.

Hang it up on a sunny window, and look at your beautiful creation.

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