Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Turkey Treats

Who wouldn't want to gobble up one of these yummy Thanksgiving Turkey Cookies? They are so quick to make, since there is no baking involved at all, and great fun to do with the kids.

First, gather up all your supplies. You'll need a package of thin circular cookies, (I used Peak Freans' Family Digestive), candy corn, chocolate chips, small red jelly beans, chocolate malt balls, and a can of frosting. (You could, of course, use your own homemade frosting, but you don't need too much and it would be kind of a nuisance to get the kitchen all messed up for just that.)

Take 1/3 of the cookies, and cut them in half with a sharp knife.

Spread frosting on the half-cookie.

Arrange the candy corn to look like a fully turkey tail.

Place a chocolate malt ball in the center of the tail fan.

Spread or pipe a line of icing down the center of an uncut cookie, prop up the tail and hold it in place for a second till it sticks.

Use a dab of icing to attach the jelly bean and the chocolate chip for the turkey's face and the wattle. You're done! So cute! So quick!

Then, all that is left to do is to 'gobble' them right up!

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