Saturday, December 11, 2010


When you have your first child, having one-on-one time is kind of a given. Everything you do becomes one-on-one time. But once a sibling or two (or three!) is added, it gets more difficult to have time that is just between you and one child. More difficult, and arguably, more important.

So although I miss having my older two home with me during the day, while they are away at school, I am very careful to make some time just with me and my three year old guy. I put the baby down for a nap, and before I do anything else, (not the laundry, or cleaning the bathroom, or even my own shower some days) we have our Special Time.

'Special Time' is the name we use when the kids get a one-on-one with either parent. I love it. I love it. There are no real rules for a special time with my boy, but I make sure that it happens first, or else the time melts away and the chance is lost. I also am sure that he is the one who gets to choose what we do together. A game, play doh, a 'learning' activity - whatever he feels like. Sometimes he'll get stuck on one thing, and we'll play Candyland every day for three weeks, or spend each morning reading book after book. But even if it is repetitive for me, I know that he is having a great time, and that makes me have a great time too.

Here are some pictures I took at the end of one of our recent Special Times.

My guy and me.

Just being silly. Guess which of his pictures is his favorite? Mine?

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