We made this as a fun way to bring the letter "A" into our day.
Start by cutting out a leaf shape from green paper, and snip a short piece off a brown pipe cleaner to be the stem.
Then take two paper plates and turn them upside down. (we used a third as a palate for the paint)
Choose a colour for your apple: red, green, or yellow.
Paint one upside-down plate entirely so no white is left. This side will look like a new, uncut apple.
Paint the other around the edges only and leave the center white. This side will look like an apple that has been cut in half when we are done.
Let both plates sit until they are completely dry.
While you are waiting, slice a real apple and gobble it up. Save the seeds.
Use white glue to adhere the seeds to the center of the white portion of the plate.
When everything is all the way dry, turn one plate back over, and put 1/4 cup of uncooked rice in the middle.
Then use a hot glue gun around the edges, and place the other paper plate on top, making sure it is sealed all the way around so rice doesn't fall out.
Glue on the leaf and stem.
And you're done. Here are our happy results. Now shake it around and make all the noise you want!
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