I wrapped all the gifts from our family in co-ordinating shades of pink and red wrapping paper, (plus two gift bags) and finished them off with a bit of ribbon. Very pretty!
In the background is the flower-covered pinata. After making a basic pinata, I used my glue gun to attach flowers in all shades of red and pink. I added a pink satin bow on the top for just a little extra beauty.
These tiny glass goblets might have been my favourite find as I prepared for the party. I got them at a dollar store for 50 cents each! I was so thrilled! They stand just over 4'' high. I added just a quick bit of pink and white polka-dotted ribbon on the stem of each, which delighted my daughter and her guests.
The party hats too, were made of the co-ordinating papers, and finished off with red or pink tissue paper fringe.
Beautiful party preparations.
When I made the invitations, I of course, made them very small. Then I made a small envelope to fit it, and held it shut with a 'please come' seal. Then I put the home-made envelope inside a slightly larger store bought one, then in another slightly larger one, over and over, until the tiny invitation was wrapped in six layers of envelopes (the birthday girl was turning six after all!). When her friends recieved their invitations, the outer envelope was the size of a regular greeting card, then as they worked their way through the layers, everything got progressively smaller, until they had shrunken down to the proper size for the tiny party. I thought this was a charming idea, but I can't take all the credit for it. I am sure I read it in an old Martha Stewart magazine years and years ago.
I bought these plain white tiny gift boxes, and made them beautiful and personilized for each child by adding a name tag mounted on co-ordinating papers, and glueing on micro fabric flowers. Then I lined each with a bit of red and pink tissue paper, and they were all fancied up and ready to be filled.
I made a "Little Girls' Room" sign and hung it on the bathroom door so that our guests would be able to find it, should the need arise.
I had three little dessert choices ready for the children to choose from. I thought taking a picture of them next to a ruler would help show just exactly how small they really were!
Pink frosted cookies.
Teeny-tiny cupcakes.
I made two birthday cakes for the party. Since I was doing a small cake, (6") I wasn't sure that one would be enough for the nine children we were expecting, plus the accompanying parents. This one was light pink inside, (I just made my regular white cake recipe and added a touch of food colouring) and a dark, bright pink outside. I topped it off with fabric cherry blossoms and delicate extra-tall pink candles.

The invitation began, "We're celebrating in a BIG way at her tiny party."
This cake is bright pink in the center, prepared the same as the first cake but with more food colouring. I wanted to frost it with solid white frosting so that when it was cut, the contrast between the outside of the cake and the inside of the cake would be more striking.
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