Friday, March 25, 2011

Letter of the Week - F

I never realized how many great things start with this week's letter. I had to choose only three themes for the week, and leave behind the other fun ideas swimming around in my head. (I saved them on my computer for future reference!)

This week was the letter F.

Day One:
We made our letter for the book, and decorated it with Feathers.

This week's alphabet book was Alphabeasts by Wallace Edwards. I LOVED this book. The illustrations are just amazing. Amazingly amazing.

Day Two: F is for Farms

*We read Barnyard Boogie, The Little Red Hen, and Rooster's Off To See The World

*We did the chicken dance - Oh this was so much fun! I did this part after my big kids were home from school, and they joined right in. They were all laughing, and my toddler ran right over to us and started doing his very best to follow along. Ha!

*We made haystack cookies

*We played a guessing game, where I held a picture of a farm animal behind my back, and gave clues until he could guess it correctly. Then he had a turn to hide a picture from me until I could guess based on his clues. Good game.

*We played Fill The Barn

*We made this hand print sheep. (trace hand on black construction paper, cut it out, glue on cotton balls and add a face. Voila!)

*Sang Old MacDonald Had a Farm, I Went To Visit The Farm One Day, and Down On Grandpa's Farm.

Day Three: F is for Frogs

*We sang a couple of froggy songs with these stick-puppets: Mm-mm Went the Little Green Frog, and Five Green Speckled Frogs.

*We read Curious George: Tadpole Trouble, Foo The Flying Frog of Washtub Pond, and two Mercer Mayer books: A Boy, A Dog, and A Frog, and Frog Where Are You,

*I got this great colouring page that had the life cycle of a frog and we went over the transitions that a tadpole makes to become a fully grown froggy.

*We played an online game for preschoolers (here) and then set out pillows (lily pads) to make a real life version of it where we (the frogs) had to make it across the playroom (the pond).
* We played our Catch the Frogs game

*We watched two Youtube clips. One was It's Not Easy Being Green with Kermit the Frog, and this BNL music video - which my kids loved!
Day Four: F is for Fish

* We played Go Fish
*We made this hand print fishy

*We played a magnetic fishing game
*We ate Goldfish crackers for a snack.

*We had some leftover ShrinkyDinks after the Tiny Party and we had fun with the fishy ones.
And that was the end of our Letter F. I just had such fun with this letter!

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