It is nearly Chinese New Years, and it is going to be the year of the dragon. How fun! My boys think this is especially exciting, so during the afternoon when my two youngest were napping, and my two oldest were at school, I took the chance to have some fun with my preschooler.

We a cut up egg carton, scissors, yard, tape, glue, paint, googly eyes, and a cotton ball.

First we painted the egg cups red. (Red is the lucky colour for Chinese New Year, you know)

We let it dry and then he got to decide how he wanted to decorate the dragon's body. He chose yellow polka-dots.

We let it dry again, and then I punched holes (two, opposite each other) at the bottom of the cups.

Then he strung the cups onto the string, (like making a necklace).

The final cup we placed with the open end to the front to be the open mouth of the dragon. We used tape to hold it in place.
Then we added googly eyes, and pulled the cotton ball thin to add a wispy beard around the edge.

Finished! It was fun to watch him move it around the table. The linked body segments let the dragon move more like the Chinese dragons at the New Year's Celebrations.
Very Fun!
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