Lesson: The first thing I wanted to cover was the differences between whales and fish. It can be confusing for little kids to understand that even though they have fins, live in the ocean, and swim, they are not, in fact, a fish. We talked about lungs, blow holes, the position of their tail fins, giving birth to live young, nursing their babies, and skin vs scales.
Once they understood what made whales different, we began to talk about the two types of whales: Baleen and Toothed.
We looked at this chart to see how big whales really are. The biggest whale is bigger than the biggest dinosaur! We also learned about their diets, and how they get their food.
Video Clip: We watched a couple of different videos. The first one was about the humpback and it's baby, which was very interesting, and the kids liked seeing the baby whales.
Depending on how you are classifying them, dolphins can be called a type of small whale. So we also watched this clip of dolphins hydroplaning to catch fish in shallow water.
Singing Time: We sang "I'm a Big Whale" to the tune of Clementine. Lyrics: "I am swimming, I am swimming,I am swimming in the sea.I'm a humpback, I am swimming in the sea. I am singing , I am singing,I am singing in the sea.I'm a big whale and I'm singing,I am singing in the sea.I am spouting, I am spouting,I am spouting in the sea.I'm a big whale and I'm spouting,I am spouting in the sea."
Our other song was my favourite Raffi song from my childhood, Baby Beluga
Craft Time: I found this mixed up whale puzzle, and the kids got to colour it, cut out the squares, and then glue them in the right order.

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