Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ghost Cups Bowling

Several years ago, (five, maybe?) a good friend of mine threw a Halloween themed party for her little birthday boy. He was still really small, so all the games were very easy and light. One that she did we have brought into our own home and we play it every Halloween.

It might have a real name, but we just call it 'Ghost Cups.' To make our own set, I bought a package of white paper cups, and drew ghost faces on each with a Sharpie marker.

To play, you just stack them up into a tower,

Hand your kids a bean bag, (look how excited my guy is that it is finally his turn!)

And see how many you can whack down!

Simple and fun. And making it more challenging for older kids is very doable. Maybe they have to stand farther away, do it blindfolded, use their non-dominant hand, stand on one foot, etc. Lots of ways to go with it.

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